
Showing posts from September, 2017

The 8 Persuasive Words That Instantly Help You Sell More

               The 8 Persuasive Words That Instantly Help You Sell More Get more traffic, conversions and sales with these foolproof persuasive words.  There are 8 intoxicatingly persuasive words in the English language that are more effective than any other words for convincing a person to take action.  These are words the most effective copywriters in the world have been using for decades to convince you to buy their product. Wait -- am I talking about power words ? Nope. Power words : Words that strengthen your copy to pique interest and get people to click. The hook . Persuasive words : Words that convince people to buy. The sell . There are 8 persuasive words: Persuasive Word #1: The Novel Word that Sells Persuasive Word #2: This Word That Makes People Act Like Fools Persuasive Word #3: The Surprising Word That Quietly and Senselessly Persuades Persuasive Word #4: The Word That Uncov...

9 Free Social Media Marketing Tools You Should Try

9 Free Social Media Marketing Tools You Should Try Whether you’re a bootstrapped start-up or an enterprise marketing department, you always have a budget. And all too often it just doesn’t seem to be enough. But sometimes you can get something for nothing. Sometimes there’s a tool, network, platform, or service that doesn’t cost you a thing. And while they’re rare – very rare, usually – there are more than a few social media tools that qualify. Good tools, too So today, we’re going to go over some of our favorites. You may have a few yourself already – or have at least heard of them – but if you’re like most social marketers you aren’t even close to having them all. Let’s fix that. So, here are the nine free social media marketing tools you need to have. And yes, they’re absolutely free. 1. Twitter Analytics Report Card You work hard at Twitter. You carefully selecting your 140 characters, use stategically selected hashtags , and curate super-targte...

How to Monetize Your Site

                         How to Monetize Your Site The Amazing Formula business model is based on 2 sources of income: a. Google AdSense ads. b. Affiliate Programs Which is better? there is no clear answer to this question.  Some niches will produce better with affiliate programs others with AdSense, you should test on a niche by niche bases. Usually you'll make more money with an affiliate site, unfortunately there may be many instances where you will find a good niche with keywords that can be easily ranked but no suitable affiliate program, in this case you'll use AdSense ads, and by the way, this will happen to you a lot. Once you find a good keyword to target you start looking for an affiliate program that will go with this site. As a rule of thumb you should always prefer to promote digital products (eBooks, soft...

Do you know The power of Facebook Ads?

                               Do you know The power of Facebook Ads? What’s the best way to reach your potential customers online? The answer is hidden in plain sight… Facebook Advertising! We all know that the internet is a BIG place. It’s full of social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn and some others as well as different search engines like Google and Bing. And all of them have advertising programs and platforms. But none of them can match the power of Facebook Advertising. Yes, I said it! The cat is out of the bag now. Facebook is alive and well with over  2 billion  users and over 16 million active users in Nigeria. It’s still the KING of social media  despite the appearance of newer platforms. But the number of users isn’t the only thing that makes Facebook stand out in front as the best advertising platform. The advertisin...

5 Top Digital Marketing Tools to Help Grow Your Online Presence

             5 Top Digital Marketing Tools to Help Grow Your Online Presence In the ever-changing business world, it’s hard to know where and how to invest your time as a small business. It can be especially confusing when you’re new to digital marketing and looking to improve your online presence. As a small business owner, you have more important things to do than to spend your time research digital marketing tools, which seem to be introduced on a weekly basis. Well, you’re in luck - we’ve rounded up five great digital marketing tools that will help your small business grow its online presence. With these resources at your disposal, you’ll be primed to quickly and effectively see how your business is doing from an online perspective, and make necessary changes to boost your online credibility. Without further ado, here are our digital marketing tool suggestions: 1. Crazy Egg Don’t let this odd...

Reasons why your business needs to be on Instagram

                     Reasons why your business needs to be on Instagram As the saying goes, a picture is worth a thousand words. What better way to speak to people than a thousand words at a time? Whether you’ve been on this platform since its inception or you’re new to the "insta-game," all brands should be utilizing Instagram if they want to engage with their targeted audience. Instagram is the most personal of the mobile platforms. It’s full of potential for connecting with a brand on a more intimate level. And if you’re thinking it’s just for the younger generation, you’re wrong. All ages and brands can benefit from what this app has to offer in terms of marketing. Here are eight reasons why all brands should be using Instagram. 1. Smart Phones Are Growing In Popularity Since Instagram is a smart phone app, it is crucial that people have a smart phone to acces...

Why I am so frustrated with social media marketers.

                       Why I am so frustrated with social media marketers. I am so frustrated with social media marketers. They think that Facebook is the only marketing channel, Snapchat is brand attention and spending money on influencers with 10,000 followers on Instagram is a good investment. Most people want quick wins and so the Facebook advertising tactics to amplify their brand and get attention are invested in. Nothing wrong with that. But if that is all your investing in it is short sighted and stupid (sorry to use that word). What is often forgotten is the long game. Many marketing managers are trying to keep their CEO’s happy and not telling them what they need to know. 1. Content is everything Content marketing is the cheapest and most effective way to do SEO these days. Not only does writing high quality content produce link...

Grow your Business and Sales Revenue Faster... Today

                          Grow your Business and Sales Revenue Faster... Today   There is no deny, the world is rapidly shifting from analog to digital. People are constantly consuming more and more digital content on a daily basis on mobile phones, laptops, desktop computers at work, and at home as well! Companies and businesses that haven’t recognized this in their marketing strategies need to adapt fast. According to a study by Hinge Research Institute, “ Firms generating 40% or more of their leads online grow 4x faster than those with no online leads”. Even if you receive tons of daily traffic to your website, they would not amount to anything unless they convert to leads or sales. This is because, without conversion, all your traffic would mean nothing and all your marketing efforts will simply go to waste. This is why most digital marketi...

This is what digital marketers use now

                                   This is what digital marketers use now Here is the thing, whenever a new app or technology is released, marketers are among the first to experiment with it -- and to start creating new content with it. That's because marketers are constantly competing for their customers' attention on social media and the internet hence, they often find the most innovative and engaging means possible to get their customers attention. And right now, that means creating video content. Which is why the need for creating video content and the strategy for duplicating this same videos across different platforms is important Okay, let us get back to today's topic The truth is, there is no going around producing a video for your products and services online. You must create video conte...

How your customers search on Google

                            How your customers search on Google The simple ability to type keywords in a search engine has profoundly changed the ways that people work, play, and run all aspects of their everyday lives. Which is why search engine optimization as well as how to adequately leverage on keyword planning, key word research and key word analytic This is because, consumers no longer go online; they live there, where they’re continually seeking all kinds of information, from trivia to deals to the hottest brands. According to Google data, people conduct more than 100 billion Google searches each month. So what do people want when they go on a search engine like Google? When people realize they want or need something--a product, a service, a vacation, a family activity, a piece of information--they instinctively turn to search for it ...

5 Proven Strategies to Promote Your blog or Website

           5 Proven Strategies to Promote Your blog or Website  If you’re looking to make some money online, setting up an E-commerce store is a great way to do so. They’re simple to design, only need basic maintenance, and can rake in some serious cash. However, that last part is a lot easier said than done. Especially if you’re not accustomed to having to promote your website. If this is your first dip into the E-commerce waters, you’re going to want to have a bit of fanfare and publicity to get the word out. Here are 5 proven strategies to promote your blog or website and get people buying! 1. Post About It One of the most effective ways to promote your website is by running a strong SEO campaign. With the right selection of keywords and a strong enough ranking, you can draw in clients from all around the globe. But in order to have a strong SEO campaign, you’re going to want to create great content. Once you’ve s...